Thierry Schaffauser

Thierry Schaffauser

Thierry Schaffauser

Thierry Schaffauser's videos on GayNetwork
Thierry Schaffauser have played in 1 gay videos on GayNetwork and 1 videos on our other websites
Dad Does Dogwalker Doggystyle!
Dad Does Dogwalker Doggystyle!

Big, gruff, rough and tough Northern dad Duke is tank of man, with huge biceps, thick, meaty thighs and a massively broad chest, all covered with masculine tattoos. However when he hears his slim, young dogwalker is broke he kindly offers him a way to make some extra money…by letting him fuck him!! A real man, Duke isn’t afraid to pound the boy’s pale, smooth ass mercilessly, holding his slender frame steady so that he can penetrate as deep as he can, making the teen moan with untold pleasure before both of them cum in an explosion of spunk!!

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